League Overview
Age 4
Ages 5-6
Ages 7-8
Ages 9-10
Ages 11-12
Ages 13-21
Jr Division Tryout Info
Sr Division Tryout Info
The Boyertown Bear Cubs completed an undefeated run through the PA Junior Legion State Tournament to take the title!
Junior Division Parent's meetings will be held March 19
Assessments will be held at the Gilbertsville YMCA on March 14
Come out and support our 11U Advanced Play Team in their bingo fundraiser!
Congratulations to BMBL Alumni Trey Yesavage and Cole Hertzler on being selected in the 2024 MLB Draft!
The 12U-B team won the Newtown-Edgemont Summer Tournament!
Steve Batten, father, husband, coach and BMBL board member passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, May 26
BMBL and the Rota family dedicated a memorial to Anthony Rota at Boyertown Park
BMBL donated leftover hats and shirts to needy children in Honduras through 242 Community Church
The Bear Paws defeated Hamburg to take the Berks League title for the second year in a row
Boyertown Park
Bahr Field
Boyertown Elementary
Boyertown Middle School East
Boyertown Middle School West
Boyertown Area Senior High
Douglass Park
Gilbertsville Elementary
New Hanover Elementary
Boyertown Midget Baseball League PO Box 34 Boyertown, Pennsylvania 19512
Email: [email protected]